Celsus Review
The Celsus Review is a collection of short stories, book reviews, and other literary ephemera emblematic of our transient moment. We aim to sift through the overwhelming mounds of trash that we might find something, anything of value. Reviewing books both contemporary and ancient (or indeed anything in between), the Celsus Review hopes to raise a host of works that break through the malaise of so-called modern living. Our short stories should serve to jolt you awake, to unveil the racket of acursèd modernity. The essays included should remind you that the world is infinite and unknowable yet we attempt to grasp it nonetheless. Our publishing schedule will be as erratic as the seasons, now hopelessly out of joint.
We are currently accepting submissions for our first issue. The Celsus Review hopes that its readers will become its contributors, so any and all submissions are encouraged. If you have an idea for a review or essay and want to make sure it would fit what we’re looking for before you go ahead and write it, do please get in touch. All submissions, ideas or finished pieces, should go to submissions@ephesus.press with the subject line “Celsus Review Submission”.